Farmacie Teresiane is a member of Cercafarmaco, the portal that is connected to almost two thousand Italian pharmacies and allows you to find medicines and health products that are difficult to find. It may happen that, due to production or distribution difficulties, a product becomes unavailable.
You can also use Cercafarmaco on your own: the app asks you what you are looking for (you can use its powerful search engine) and where you are; in just a few moments it will identify the nearest pharmacies that stock the product you are looking for. All you have to do is get in touch with Farmacie Teresiane, reserve the product and pick it up or agree on an alternative delivery method.
This is a free service that has spread rapidly and in fact covers the whole country. If you want to know more click here(www.cercafarmaco.it) or download the Cercafarmaco App.
Particularly useful for those who travel frequently.