Download and use the TELEGRAM app to communicate directly with Farmacie Teresiane and manage your pharmacy orders!
You can send us your enquiries, photos of the products you are looking for or prescriptions, or for simplicity's sake just the codes of the prescriptions you have received from your doctor.
In this way, your requests will arrive directly at the terminals of the requested pharmacy and you will give us the opportunity to respond quickly, and to notify you when all the requested products are available.
You will save precious time, you won't have to queue and above all you won't run the risk of having to return for missing products.
These are the numbers for TELEGRAM chat (usable for text messages and/or photos, NOT for calls):
PANCALDO Pharmacy 351-7448666
Farmacia SAN RAFFAELE MANTOVA 324-9565454
BELLINI Pharmacy SOAVE PORTO MN 351-7378829