Hello everyone, my name is Cristina. I have a vocational school diploma in my pocket. After a short period of work at UPIM, I came to San Raffaele Pharmacy from the very beginning, in 1996. 

I started by keeping the shop clean and tidy, then gradually became familiar with the world of the pharmacy, with health-related products and in particular with gluten-free foods. In the beginning they were on a small shelf, then our range gradually expanded to over 1500 products today, including fresh and frozen. The world of gluten-free has become my territory, as I have gained a good deal of experience in managing it over time. I take great pleasure in this task. I am lucky enough to have a good memory and I like to help our users by paying attention to their tastes and needs.

One animal that has always fascinated me is the owl, because even in the dark it can see clearly.