Farmacie Teresiane srl i.e. the pharmacies San Raffaele in Mantua and Bellini in Soave-Porto Mantovano, with pharmacy Pancaldo in Verona, are three different realities open to the public, united by the same mentality and managed by pharmacists who interact on a daily basis.
The evolution of the Italian pharmacy into a "service centre" for the protection of people's health, as well as a place of actual care, is a concept that we have embraced since our first work experience. It is all the more relevant now that the difficult ordeal of the SARS2-Covid 19 pandemic has given everyone a clearer perception of the importance of integrated strategies in local medicine and care.
In terms of focus, reliability, results and economy, we believe that Italian pharmacy is a very topical service. Interaction with general practitioners, paediatricians, specialist centres and hospitals is crucial to the citizen's good health.
We try to earn the esteem of our patients and users: getting to know them and taking an interest in their needs and providing appropriate solutions is not a matter of punctiliousness, but of the pleasure of achieving the objective required of us through commitment and interaction.
For us, direct contact with the doctor is fundamental; for the user, being able to count on this symbiosis is a guarantee.
In line with these concepts, we have gradually expanded our areas, initially with galenic preparations in the laboratory, proposing traditional formulas included in the Pharmacopoeia or prescribable; later on, we introduced the remedies of medical-scientific phytotherapy, becoming promoters of the Certifit project, which presents and promotes only phytotherapeutic products that meet high standards of efficacy and safety.
Additional professional figures in pharmacies have allowed us to extend our working method, based on the study and selection of high standard products and services, into
new areas: in complementary medicine, Bach Flowers, Homeotoxicology; in special diets, more than 1,500 gluten-free fresh, frozen and medium-preservation products; low-calorie foods for diabetics, energy for sportsmen; foods for nephropathy and metabolic diseases; hypoallergenic or strictly certified organic cosmetics, with an experienced beauty consultant; Home Care and Pet Care; personal hygiene, and booking analyses or referrals at affiliated ATS centres.