In the European panorama, the Italian pharmacy also stands out as a Point of Care/ Health Service Point. In this area, Teresian pharmacies are always looking for new, reliable and user-friendly proposals.

We offer the possibility of having accurate and certified blood tests carried out quickly in the pharmacy:

- self-tests;

- the initial respiratory function test (spirometry);

- blood oxygen content monitoring, to recognise sleep breathing disorders in babies and adults (pulse oximetry);

- the Holter blood pressure test.

We use our own instruments, sanitised for each use.

We can monitor the success of the diet through impedance weighing for the assessment of body fat, lean mass and water. We can detect skin characteristics to identify the most suitable treatments.

The parameters measured can be passed on to medical specialists for correct assessment and identification of the most suitable treatment strategy.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of further tests you can request from the Teresian Pharmacies:

- Pressure measurement with automatic mode (digital oscillometric instrument) or manual mode with column sphygmomanometer
- Capillary blood test
- a) with Piccolo® analysis system: general chemical, metabolic, renal panel;
- b) INR index (using Roche Diagnostics Coagucheck XS® instrument)
- First instance urine test (urine sample collection and verification of the most sensitive data
- First instance celiac disease test, collection and sending of sample for verification of food intolerances through antibody research;
- Weight and height measurement with metric impedance scale: breakdown of one's own mass into water, muscle, bone for better detail and motivational purposes;

- Ultrasound bone densitometry (periodic, for women at the onset of menopause)
- Plethysmography
- Skin characteristics, sebometry and moisture content (in progress)
- Scalp health check, treatment and prevention