Farmacie Teresiane hosts students for training experience. Here are the files of two students who recently completed their experience with us.

We are Alessia and Martina, fourth-year students respectively in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacy at the Universities of Pavia and Padua.
We are currently undertaking our internship here at the San Raffaele Pharmacy, where helpfulness, professionalism, patience and much more are the hallmarks of the entire team.

We chose these courses of study out of curiosity about the world of medicines to learn about their mechanism of action, dosage, side effects, contraindications and possible interactions with other pharmaceutical products.
For us, the pharmacy is the place where most patients go, not just for a prescription, but also for advice.
Here, a relationship of trust is established between pharmacist and patient that goes beyond the purely business purpose.

It's not just about selling drugs, it's also about reassuring people who come to us and, why not, putting a smile on their face.