In the Teresian Pharmacies, health is based on the combination of an adequate diet and regular physical activity: these factors must be considered together because they are in synergy.

Nowadays it is particularly satisfying to keep in line; equally, exercise to keep fit cannot be separated from an adequate and healthy diet.

Your diet becomes even more important if you have specific needs, for example related to your therapies.

At Farmacie Teresiane you will find qualified advice from experts who can suggest a qualified approach to the basic structure of your diet: one of us has a degree in Food Science, as well as a degree in Pharmacy.

In the dedicated area you will find the answers to nourish your body while regaining your figure, and to improve your tone without straining your metabolism.

The Teresiane Pharmacies offer personalised solutions according to your needs, lifestyle and sport. All users undergoing treatment can take advantage of the free monitoring service through the impedance metric scale, which periodically shows the results achieved.